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Challenge #1 - Painting Greens

 Posted - April 11, 2020

Use my reference or take one of your own. Paint at least two to six objects (trees, bushes, leaves, yard elements, starbucks cup on the lawn) in different greens. Make them distinct from one another.

In my You Tube video, I chose 6, but mostly focused on 4: the redwood tree, the plum tree, the locust and the grass.


The aspect ratio is off on the video. So far, haven't been able to fix it. The information is still good.

Also, the block-in (drawing with paint) was missed. So please use French ultramarine and cadmium scarlet (cadmium red light if not Winsor Newton) or French ultramarine and burnt sienna in different proportions to get your blue to brown colors on the drawing. Wipe off excess paint before painting if needed. See below to the right.

This assignment may be done in any medium.Ready to paint

Your assignment, besides painting, is to provide me with feedback! Thank You!


Draw first Painting Greens reference



Yes, the reference is sideways as is the first block in. Again, I am unable to correct it.

If you click on it to view it larger, it should automagically rotate, but you know what to do if it doesn't...just rotate your head. : ) 









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